Glow in the dark.
When everything around you seems like it’s caving in when it’s dull and dark. You start wondering “How could this work out.” You may ask “Why me”. When, it’s hard to look up, hard to look forward. You may become overwhelmed and anxious, filled with worry, expecting the unexpected. Generally feeling the weight of the world. When it’s hard to take that FIRST step in -whatever it may be. But that’s the hardest part, being real and honest to yourself, confronting the effect. Don’t allow negative thoughts to control you in these vulnerable moments. Don’t be afraid to grow, don’t fear the feeling of falling. Fall forward.
When you're in the dark-
Look for the light.
Trials and tribulations will happen; but to allow room for bigger, better blessings.
Blessings that “make up” for that “dark time”.
When there's ever-changing circumstances, you might translate that as ‘bad’; has actually happened in your favor.
Clean the clutter, you’ll have space.
Be open to receiving.
Make room for improvement.
“When one door closes another opens”
“Out with the old and in with the new”
A few phases that may add to this understanding. ^
The point is-It gets worse before it gets better.
Something I’ve witnessed time and time before. Weather that is with acne, friends, relations, mindset, honestly anything.
You can be low, and still fly.
Shoot up like a rocket, take off. 🚀
That is -If you allow yourself.
Just don’t give up on yourself, or the world.
Take that step, for yourself.
MOST IMPORTANTLY- show yourself compassion. Stop being hard on yourself. You’re truly your worst critic- don’t run yourself dry because you ignored yourself, it makes tasks 5x worse when you’re burnt out.
No one will take that step for you.
When you're down, look up.
Feelings are temporary. This moment won’t last forever.
Be the light in the dark.

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